Home > 고객지원 > 관련사이트 |
사이트명 | URL |
ㆍ국제 표준화 기구(ISO) | http://www.iso.ch/ |
ㆍISO TC/176/SC2 | http://www.bsi.org.uk/iso-tc176-sc2/ |
ㆍ국제 전기기술위원회(IEC) | http://www.iec.ch/ |
ㆍJTCI | http://www.jtcl.org/ |
ㆍ국제 전기통신연맹 (ITU) | http://www.itu.int/ |
ㆍ유럽 표준화 기구(CEN - European Committee for Standardization) | http://www.itu.int/ |
ㆍ유렵 품질기구 (European Organization for Quality) | http://www.eoq.org/ |
ㆍ유렵 인정기구(EA-European co-operation forAccreditation) | http://www.european-accreditation.org/ |
ㆍ미국 국립표준기술원 홈페이지 (NIST Guide) | http://www.nist.gov/public_affairs/guide/index.htm |
ㆍASQ(American Society for Quality) | http://www.asqc.org/standcert.html |
ㆍAIAG(Automotive Indestry .Action Group) | http://www.aiag.org/ |
TL 9000 / ISO 관련정보
사이트명 | URL |
ㆍThe QuEST Forum (TL 9000그룹) | http://www.questforum.org/ |
ㆍISO EASY | http://www.exit109.com/~leebee |
ㆍISO 9000 WWW Pages | http://www.exit109.com/~leebee/isorefs.htm |
ㆍISO 14000 Infocenter | http://www.iso14000.com/ |
ㆍISO Support Group | http://www.isogroup.simplenet.com/ |
ㆍQuality Network | http://www.quality.co.uk/quality/index.htm |
지역 표준 기구
사이트명 | URL |
ㆍCEN - European Committee for Standardization | http://www.cenorm.be/ |
ㆍCENELEC - European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization | http://www.cenelec.be/ |
ㆍCOPANT - Pan American Stnadards Commission | http://www.copant.org/ |
ㆍETST - European Telecommunications Standards Institute | http://www.etsi.org/ |
국내표준 관리기구
사이트명 | URL |
ㆍ기술 표준원 | http://www.ats.go.kr/ |
ㆍ한국품질환경인정협회 | http://www.kab.or.kr/ |
ㆍ산업자원부 | http://www.mocie.go.kr/ |
ㆍ중소기업청 | http://www.smba.go.kr/ |
ㆍ기술표준원 안전계량부 | http://safely.ats.go.kr/ |
ㆍ한국표준협회 | http://www.ksa.or.kr/ |
ㆍ환경부 | http://www.me.go.kr/ |
ㆍ환경관리공단 | http://emc.or.kr/ |
ㆍ국립환경연구원 | http://www.nier.go.kr/ |
ㆍ정보통신부 | http://www.mic.go.kr/ |
ㆍ보건복지부 | http://www.mohw.go.kr/ |
ㆍ노동부 | http://www.molab.go.kr/ |
ㆍ건설교통부 | http://www.moct.go.kr/ |
ㆍ해양수산부 | http://www.momaf.go.kr/ |
ㆍ국세청 | http://www.nta.go.kr/ |
사이트명 | URL |
ㆍ기술표준원 | http://www.ats.go.kr/ |
ㆍInstituto argentino de Normalizacion (IRAM) | http://www.iram.ar/ |
ㆍStandards Australia (SAA) | http://www.standards.com.au/ |
ㆍOsterreichisches Normungsinstitut(ON) | http://www.on-norm.at/ |
ㆍInstitute for Standardization, Metrology and Patents of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BASMP) | http://www.bin.net.ba/~zsmp/ |
ㆍStandards Council of Canada(SCC) | http://www.scc.ca/ |
ㆍStante Office for Standardization and Metrology(DZNM) | http://www.dznm.hr/ |
ㆍDansk Standard(DS) | http://www.ds.dk/default.stm |
ㆍFinnish Standards Association(SFS) | http://www.sfs.fi/ |
ㆍAssociation francaise de normalisation(AFNOR) | http://www.afnor.fr/ |
ㆍDeutsches Institut fur Normung(DIN) | http://www.din.de/ |
ㆍHellenic Organization for ...Standardization(ELOT) | http://www.elot.gr/ |
ㆍNational Standards authority of Ireland(STRI) | http://www.nsai.ie/ |
ㆍIcelandic Council for Standardization(STRI) | http://www.stri.is/default.html |
ㆍEnte Nazionale di Unificazione(UNI) | http://www.unicei.it/ |
ㆍJapanese Industrial Standards ...Committee(JISC) | http://www.aist.go.jp/jisc/htm/jisc00.htm |
ㆍDepartment of Standards Malaysia(DSM) | http://www.sirim.my/ |
ㆍService de normalisantion industrielle marocatine(SNIMA) | http://www.mcinet.gov.ma/ |
ㆍNederlands Normalisatie - Instituut(NNI) | http://www.nni.nl/ |
ㆍStandards New Zealand(SMZ) | http://www.standards.co.nz/ |
ㆍNorges Standardiseringsforbund(NSF) | http://www.standard.no/ |
ㆍInstituto Portugues da Qualidade(IPO) | http://www.ipq.pt/ |
ㆍSaudi Arabian Standards Organization(SASO) | http://www.saso.org/ |
ㆍStandards and Metrology Institute(SMIS) | http://www.usm.mzt.si/ |
ㆍAsociaction Espanola de Normalizaciony Certificaction (AENOR) | http://www.aenor.es/ |
ㆍSIS Stnadardiseringen i Sverige(SIS) | http://www.sis.se/ |
ㆍSwiss Association for Standardization(SNV) | http://www.snv.dh/ |
ㆍBritish Standards Institution(BSI) | http://www.bsi.org.uk/ |
ㆍAmerican National Standards Institute(ANSI) | http://www.ansi.org/ |
ㆍDirectorate for Standards and Quality(TCVN) | http://home.vnn.vn/tcvn/ |